Tuesday, January 02, 2007

gnarled beast.
[o]jay zee.


focus crew said...

hate the square crop, other than that it's good.

Anonymous said...

..what do you prefer? circles? rectangles? hmmm?

focus crew said...

just looks like a fake medium or large format print. Square crop can work but only in editorial (which for me still looks off). Not saying this is bad I just hate square crops. It's a rectangle right, would look better this way. Thats all, your not hurting my eyes though, Hey Jay Agroism is starting up again real soon I think you should join you would soak up the wealth of information.

Anonymous said...

...i probably would. I don't even know what a fake medium or large format print is. I don't know if I could handle getting torn to shreds on Agroism though, I'm going to start my own photo site and call it "Niceism", and we'll give each other positive feedback instead of making them cry.

Anonymous said...

Square crop is dope.
Who cares if some MF cameras crop like that.
If this was shot MF and cropped to look like an 35mm shot because it suited the image better, would it be a fake 35mm shot?

Anonymous said...

Yeah if it makes it a better shot then it does'nt really matter, but like me and Jay were talking about, it's good to frame things correctly first, good habit to be in, I like the shot, just seems weird to me being square?

Anonymous said...

...russ is a square.