Tuesday, December 05, 2006

So here we have my first portrait shot (in studio set up ever taken) what ya think yall, critique please!

russ (0)


Anonymous said...

first portrait...hmmm, pretty good -but you asked for a critique...
From what I could tell on my computer the focus looked mostly on the hair which is fine until the term 'portrait' is used and then I think 'is the hair really what reflects the person?' I think a sharp focus on the eyes would have really made the portrait strong -although the shot was in studio the gaze still seems to show internal workings which is what catches my interest in portrait photog.

Anonymous said...

HAhah, You actually gave me a rad compliment Tani. My bad I should have explained that this shot is a portrait for my wifes hairdressing porfolio, which requires me to blow out levels and focus on the hair only.

Anonymous said...

i dig it, no matter what. i love it. i think it's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Very nice.
The only thing that bugs me is the shirt because its so dark my attention is drawn away from the subject.

focus crew said...

Yeah I did'nt think about that thanks man. Not bad for my first though.

Anonymous said...

...K, it's not the shirt that draws your attention, it's the possibility of boobies. Your eyes can't be drawn to the black because her hair is glowing!!! Unless you have some sort of weird negative inverse eyes, or something. Boobies man, boobies.

Anonymous said...

Booobs are nice.
But look at her hair and tell me that you aren't drawn to the shirt.